Peer reviewed publications
I. Zinn & A. Holzer. “Blended think-pair-share with SpeakUp as inclusive and engaging pedagogical activity”. Chap 16, Promoting Inclusion and Justice in University Teaching. 2024.
A. Franco & A. Holzer. “Fostering privacy literacy among high school students by leveraging social media interaction and learning traces in the classroom”. In LAK’23. 2023.
M.-J. Rodriguez-Triana, L. Prieto, A. Holzer, D. Gillet. “Instruction, Student Engagement and Learning Outcomes: A Case Study Using Anonymous Social Media in a Face-to-face Classroom”. In IEEE TLT. 2020.
G. Féraud, A. Holzer, I Vonèche Cardia, D. Gillet. “ICT adoption in executive training for development: Blending digital and physical communication and awareness channels”. In ACM ICTD. 2019.
S. Govaerts, A. Holzer, B. Kocher, A. Vozniuk, B. Garbinato, D. Gillet. “Blending Digital and Face-to-face Interaction using a Co-located Social Media App in Class”. In IEEE TLT. 2018.
A. Holzer, N. Tintarev, S. Bendahan, B. Kocher, S. Greenup, D. Gillet. “Digitally Scaffolding Debate in the Classroom”. In ACM CHI’18 EA. 2018.
Y. Xu, A. Holzer, C. Maitland, D. Gillet. “Community Building with Co-located Social Media: A Field Experiment with Syrian Refugees”. ACM ICTD ‘17. 2017.
A. Holzer, A. Vozniuk, S. Bendahan, D. Gillet. “Rule of Thumb Effect of Social Button Icons on Interaction”. In ACM MobileHCI’16 EA. 2016.
M.-J. Rodriguez-Triana, A. Holzer, L.P. Prieto, and D. Gillet. “Examining the effects of social media in co-located classrooms: A case study based on SpeakUp”. In EC-TEL’16. 2016. Best paper award.
S. Govaerts, A. Holzer, D. Gillet. “Enriching face-to-face and digital interaction with SpeakUp: challenges & lessons learned”. In the Personal or Social? workshop at NordiCHI’14. 2014.
A. Holzer, S. Govaerts, A. Vozniuk, B. Kocher, and D. Gillet. “Speakup in the classroom: Anonymous temporary social media for better interaction”. In ACM CHI’14 EA. 2014.
A. Holzer, S. Bendahan, I. Vonèche Cardia, D. Gillet. “Early Awareness of Global Issues and Development of Soft Skills in Engineering Education: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Communication”. In ITHET’14. 2014.
A. Holzer, S. Govaerts, J. Ondrus, A. Vozniuk, D. Rigaud, B. Garbinato, D. Gillet. “SpeakUp - A Mobile App Facilitating Audience Interaction”. In ICWL’13. 2013.
SpeakUp se met à l’enseignement à distance, interview pour le journal En direct, grand format, n°291, p.21, novembre - décembre 2020.